

Permeable Pavers: Sustainable Landscapes, LEED Credits, & Ecosystem Balance

Permeable pavers are a boon to homeowners. They foster sustainable landscapes, combat erosion especially when grass is dry, and prevent water stagnation—a breeding ground for mosquitos. Furthermore, builders using these may qualify for LEED credits, recognizing their role in stormwater management. The community reaps benefits too. These pavers maintain river flows, ensuring streams remain vibrant and ecosystems thrive. Additionally, rain on patios or driveways with these pavers gets absorbed, easing storm drain pressure. They can also be designed to recycle rainwater, enhancing sustainability.

Permeable pavers benefit Homeowners by helping build sustainable landscapes that reduce erosion that occurs when grass is dry or dead, as well as eliminating standing water on the surface where mosquitos can breed. Builders who install concrete permeable pavers may be eligible for LEED credits for contributing to stormwater management.


The community benefits from pervious pavers because they help maintain base flows in rivers that ensure streams and ecosystems are self sustaining.


With permeable concrete pavers and permeable grass pavers, any rain that falls on your patio, walkway, or driveway seeps back into the ground, reducing the burden on storm drains. A permeable paver system can even be designed to harvest and recycle rainwater.